Have a nice day!

About me:

I am Vladimir and I am a developer. I enjoy learning new technologies, graphic design and making music.

I began to study the IT world from the age of 15, I already read about privilege levels and the OSI stack, but I liked to brute my handshake neighbors on Kali Linux (psst ... :))

I guess one of my strengths is commitment to always finish my tasks. And I am always hard-worker when it gets to solving problems related to my tasks. I am trying to always be open to a new experience. In addition, I'm interested in advice about my code and my solutions from colleagues.


I received a bachelor's degree in information security (code 10.03.01) at the Irkutsk University of Railways and Communications. Here I got fundamental knowledge. Pascal, Delphi, Cisco Packet Tracer, Assembler, Python.

Development courses: Dmitry Eliseev (OOP, functional programming); Dmitry Lavrik (JS for layout designers, JS for programmers, smartgrid, Vue, Wordpress); Muratov Rakhim (PHP); Frontcoder (layout); Ivan Golovach (Java Core, Java EE, OOP); Vladilen Minin (Angular, Vue, React, RxJS); Winderton (infogypsy, but Trello's plans are pretty interesting).. coursehunter.

Network courses: Marat Sibgatulin linkmeup (nets for the little ones); NetSkills (young fighter course)

Design courses: Profileschool: Alexander Chaldryan (Commercial retouching, Creative retouching); Alexey Dovgulya (Color correction and retouching of reportage photos); Andrey Zhuravlev (Basic Photoshop, Advanced Photoshop, Working with CMS); Anton Martynov (Fundamentals of Photography, Portrait Photography).. profileschool.

Foreign language courses: Dmitry Petrov (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese).

Timeline of evolution (from ape to man):

2014-2016 - powerlifting, school program, vulnerability search (Kali Linux, scanners, aircrack, hashcat), automotive engineering, car tuning, human anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, sports medicine, nutrition, law (criminal law, administrative law, civil law, labor law, constitutional law), economics (grandars).

2017 - university program, powerlifting, psychology (gender, family, social, sign language, development), study of the market of specialties (HeadHunter, Ucheba, Yandex Ya Professional), study of fashion of different times (clothes, shoes, perfume, brands); studying web development and layout (html, css, js).

2018-2020 - university program + special courses - English, mathematics (combinatorics; probability theory; mathematical statistics; linear algebra; differential equations; geometry; computational mathematics; numerical methods; mathematical logic; discrete mathematics; complex numbers; partial differential equations ), physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics), smart sales (negotiations, manipulations), new technologies from the field of hardware, at the beginning of the 2nd course I began to study programming in depth (Java Core, Java EE, JDBC, Hibernate, Maven, Java Spring, Kotlin, Android Studio, Postman, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Git, Python Django, Unity 3D, PUG template engine, Node.js, Express, Gulp, Browsersync, ReactJS, Redux, Yii 2, Laravel, Symfony, Wordpress, Jquery, Bootstrap, BEM, SMACSS, Python CheckiO, Javascript CheckiO, SQL, Vue JS, Angular, Delphi, Assembler, C++, scrum, agile, kanban, waterfall), artificial intelligence, machine learning, networking and administration (Cisco Packet Tracer, Apache, Nginx, Wireshark, virtualization, Docker), vulnerability search (CTF: forensics, reverse engineering, cryptography, OSINT, Web, steganography; Kali Linux, IDA Pro Disassembler, OllyDbg, HackThisSite, scanners, aircrack, hashcat. CVE, RFC), design (Adobe Photoshop, AutoCad, Lightroom, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Adobe XD, Figma, Blender), found the coursehunter resource, at that time it was absolutely free, wrote an article in English "meltdown & spectre ", term paper (study of devices: RS Turbo radio monitoring complex, AG-1000, SMV 8.5 microvoltmeter, Granit-4 control panel, GFG-3015 special-form signal generator, WaveAce oscilloscope, Rohde & Schwarz FSV spectrum analyzer, Noise meter and vibration VShV-003-M3).

2019-2021 - music: playing instruments (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano, accordion); studying the instrument market (guitars, midi keyboards, drums, audio interfaces, mixers, microphones, combo amplifiers); sequencers (FL Studio, Ableton, Reaper, Cubase); theory of sound, equal temperament, musical notation, folk modes, tonality, rhythm, modality, harmony, triads, chords with additional steps, modulation, fingering thinking, CAGED, circle of fifths; vocals (opera singing, pop singing, splitting, melismatics); registered a domain, purchased hosting, created a resume site, started posting pet projects on github; Learning martial arts (BJJ, Boxing, Kickboxing, Thai boxing, MMA, Judo, Sambo, Greco-Roman wrestling).

2021 - work with my father in a private security company as a system engineer: setting up analog and network cameras; work with network equipment - l3 juniper, l3 mikrotik, l3 alcatel, l2 & l3 tp-link, l3 eltex; smartPSS, DevLine, Windows Server 2012, Ubuntu 18, SSH, MySQL, PCN6, AnyDesk, TeamViewer, RDP, Port mapping, Barier Guard3, Planar, Bolid PProg & UProg, RITM inetServer, winbox, Virtual COM, Trello, XMind, Windows Samba , Bitrix24, TaskbarHide, Business Mail; drawing up contracts for installation, maintenance, response; writing a contract generator; studying the market of security devices and services; driving technique (regassing, gassing, ways to turn the steering wheel, driving in various weather and climatic conditions, toe and heel gear shifting, crankshaft and transmission speed control); defending a bachelor's degree in information security (detection of attacks on root certification authorities and DNS servers with subsequent hacking of accounts of critical services); university domain research (OSINT, Shodan, NMAP).

2021 - .. mining business: in-depth study of btc, eth blockchains (UTXO, mixers, Accounts, BIP, SLIP39, Memory pool, Candidate block, target, block header, block hash, transaction data, fees, utxo, coinbase, weight, private and WIF key, public key, ECDSA, address, mnemonic seed bip39, extended keys bip32, derivation paths bip44, scripts (p2pk, p2pkh, p2ms, p2sh, null), manual finding of any key element: entropy -> mnemonic -> seed = PBKDF-SHA512(iter = 2048, key_length = 64, Key = "mnemonic" + your_salt_if_exist, Data = Mnemonic) -> master_key = HMAC-SHA512 (Data = seed, Key = "Bitcoin seed")), market research (ready-made desktop computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, data storage devices, video cards, central processors, cooling, RAM, motherboards, power supplies, PC cases, ASICs, FPGAs, thermal pads, thermal interfaces), work with marketplaces to search for products (avito, aliexpress, alibaba, newegg, computeruniverse, ebay, amazon, ozon, taobao, DNS, Regard); creating your own information system to save time; development of a unifying tool for easy launch of the miner program; studying the configuration of computing units to optimize the mining process; study of the cryptocurrency market (cryptoprojects, arbitrage, trading, mining complexity); production of soundproof enclosures.

2021-2023 - in-depth study of radio engineering, electrical engineering and electronics (semiconductor elements, electric motors, the structure of switching and linear power supplies, the structure of frequency converters, power supply repair, ASIC repair, motherboard repair, video card repair); component repair of ASIC (Bitmain s9, t9+), switching power supplies (5-2000w); studying the market of soldering and measuring equipment (oscilloscopes, multimeters, soldering stations, hair dryers, soldering irons, multitesters, pulse signal generators, thermal imagers, pyrometers, current clamps, laboratory power supplies); system programming and development (proteus, flowcode); Shell (loops, split, switch, if_or_if, filesize, etc..); system administration (SCCM, MDT, WDS, windows clustering, remote access software, VPN, synchronization); Neural networks (P, FF, DFF, RNN, LSTM, GRU, AE); improving vocal skills; research: vue3, react@18.2.0, control for new projects posted on bitcointalk to get more profit; improving trading skills.